About Chuck C. Thompson

Born. Lived. Died. Well, not yet; I am still kicking.

Raised in Tucson, I attended the University of Arizona starting out as Pre-Med. Got too old to get into medical school, switched majors, ended up with a B.S. in Psychology with a split minor in Chemistry and Biology. I did my Master of Science work in Mining Engineering.

I have lived in the Southwest most of my life except for a few-year stint in Indonesia.

I have worked back and forth across the United States meeting many of the people I introduce to you in my books and stories.

My first poem was “published” when I was about eight. Somehow I thought it was a good idea to write a poem and give it to my teacher. No, no, it was not an infatuation advance to a young teacher. It was a poem about and old man and my nun teacher took it to the principal. I know not why she did such a thing.

I ended up in the principal’s office (Mother Scare-the-Hell-Out-of-Little-Boys) and she queried me at length about the source of the four stanzas in perfect iambic pentameter. After much explaining and her call to my mother, she was convinced. At that point, she shared it with the other faculty: my first published work.

That did not happen again for years.

Oh, I wrote. I just did not share any of my writing until I got into high school. Then, I shared with a limited few in our writing classes. They all flattered my ego and I kept churning it out. Never publishing, just writing and discarding.

In 2019, I decided it is time to grow a pair and throw my writing to the world for fun and profit.

It has been a heck of a lot of fun….

My lovely bride of more decades than she wants me to admit and I live on a few acres outside a small town in southern-ish Arizona. We share the place with domestic and wild creatures that all seem to generally get along.

Check out my published books

Chuck C. Thompson